Ever since Indiana Fever rookie Caitlin Clark entered the pros, there has been a lot of talk about the treatment she's receiving from her fellow WNBA players. Many fans have claimed that her peers are purposely targeting and getting extra physical with her because they are jealous of all the attention she's getting.

WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert, however, addressed those talks and refuted the narrative surrounding the treatment of Clark.

First and foremost, the talk that WNBA players are jealous of Clark has merits. There has been a number of instances already when the Fever star was targeted, with the most popular one being Chennedy Carter's hip-check on her earlier in the season. There was also that instance when Breanna Stewart just decked her off a hard screen.

Engelbert, nonetheless, expressed her belief that there's no extra physicality on Clark as many fans would like to believe. The WNBA Commissioner then justified that the league has been that physical even before Clark arrived.

Engelbert added that the rookies are simply not used to the high level and intense physicality of the pros, which she emphasized is a normal learning and adjustment curve.

"The fans we've had for a long time know how we have the best, biggest, most physical, best players in the world... There's always adjustment for all rookies. I think our rookie class this year is doing outstanding, including Caitlin," the WNBA executive shared (via Vanshay Murdock).

For what it's worth, several former and present WNBA players have said the same thing as Cathy Engelbert. Simply put, the league has always been that physical and every player has to adjust to it.

As for Clark, she's certainly not making a big deal of the physicality as long as it's a basketball play. It's also pretty clear she's getting used to that level of intensity already.

There will always be a lot of eyes on Clark, though, especially since she's the most popular female hooper today. With that being said, despite Engelbert's explanation, any action towards Clark that many might deem unfair will always be scrutinized by her legion of supporters.

Related: Caitlin Clark's Potential Summer Job After Team USA Snub Is Going Viral

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