Kyrie Irving has staunchly defended his teammate Luka Doncic following a stellar performance in Game 4 of the 2024 NBA Finals. In the post-game press conference, Irving highlighted how Doncic silenced his critics with his dominant display.

"I think he made a few people eat their words. I’ll say that in a healthy way… I think this is his first taste of what it’s like to be on this stage and not play up to your capabilities."

"He responded very well. I think I expected it. I think a lot of people expected it that have seen Luka."

He emphasized that while this is Doncic's first Finals appearance, he responded to the criticism in a manner that showed his resilience and capability to perform under pressure. Irving praised Doncic’s ability to bounce back and maintain composure amid intense scrutiny. He also mentioned that the criticism might have been exaggerated, given that Doncic was navigating the pressures of his first NBA Finals.

The Dallas Mavericks managed to avoid a sweep by defeating the Boston Celtics 122-84, with Doncic leading the charge with 29 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists. This performance came after a series of harsh criticisms directed at Doncic for his previous performances, particularly his defensive shortcomings and his tendency to argue with officials.

ESPN analyst Brian Windhorst was among the vocal critics who had pointed out Doncic's defensive lapses and his detrimental behavior towards referees. Windhorst's comments, which went viral, emphasized that Doncic’s defensive performance was costing the Mavericks and highlighted how the Celtics exploited these weaknesses. 

However, Game 4 saw a different Doncic, one who played with a renewed intensity and focus, effectively countering Boston's strategies.

Furthermore, Irving acknowledged the importance of team solidarity in such high-pressure situations. He reiterated that both he and the rest of the Mavericks, including head coach Jason Kidd, fully support Doncic. Kidd had defended Doncic against the media’s harsh judgments, emphasizing the need for internal unity.

The Mavericks’ decisive victory in Game 4, propelled by Doncic’s exceptional performance, has given them a glimmer of hope as they head into Game 5. While the odds are still stacked against them, with no team in NBA history ever coming back from a 3-0 deficit in the Finals, Irving’s comments reflect a renewed confidence within the Mavericks camp.

As the series shifts back to Boston, the Mavericks will aim to build on their Game 4 success. Doncic and Irving will need to continue delivering top performances to keep their championship hopes alive. Whether they can make history remains to be seen, but for now, Doncic has certainly quieted his critics and reaffirmed his status as one of the league's elite players.

The Mavericks Need To Make The Celtics Uncomfortable 

The Dallas Mavericks managed to avoid the embarrassment of being swept in the NBA Finals by handing the Boston Celtics their biggest loss of the season. Now, playing with house money, the Mavericks are in a unique position. No one expects them to overcome a 3-0 deficit, but they have taken the crucial first step towards what could be a historic comeback.

The key for the Mavericks is to make the Celtics uncomfortable. They need to come out swinging in Game 5, knowing that the Celtics and their home crowd will be eager to clinch the championship. The pressure will be immense, and the Mavericks must leverage this to their advantage by playing aggressively and forcing the Celtics out of their comfort zone.

Belief is critical for Dallas. Winning Game 5 would shift the series back to Dallas, where a raucous home crowd would provide an enormous boost. The Mavericks need to harness this potential energy and momentum to extend the series further. Kyrie Irving, in particular, knows what it takes to mount a comeback in the Finals. 

He was a pivotal part of the 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers team that rallied from a 3-1 deficit to win the championship. His experience and leadership will be crucial as the Mavericks look to defy the odds.

No one gave the Cavaliers a chance back in 2016, and similarly, few believe the Mavericks can turn this series around. This underdog status should fuel Dallas's determination. They must play with pride and intensity, understanding that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The Mavericks need to approach Game 5 with a fearless mentality. They must disrupt the Celtics' rhythm, apply relentless pressure on both ends of the floor, and capitalize on any signs of complacency. Playing for pride and with a sense of freedom can sometimes bring out the best in a team.

The Mavericks must make the Celtics uncomfortable and believe in their ability to achieve the improbable. By playing their hearts out and enjoying the game, they can keep their championship hopes alive and continue to surprise everyone.

Related: Bob Cousy Says Kyrie Irving Is Not A Superstar

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