Former UFC star Paige VanZant has been out of the fighting game for a while, making most of her money through subscription fan services, but it appears that she's set to return.

VanZant announced this weekend that she will be returning to the fighting game.

The former UFC star will be fighting in a Power Slap event.

"Yes, you heard that right! 😳 The @Powerslap debut of Paige Van Zant goes down on June 28! 👋💥 #PowerSlap8," UFC Europe announced this weekend.

VanZant addressed her signing on her podcast.

“I just signed a contract and whether (expletives) like it or not, I am doing Power Slap,” VanZant said. “I just signed a contract with Power Slap. Because you know what? I’m (expletive) Paige VanZant. I was in the UFC, bareknuckle boxing, boxing. Now, I’m doing Power Slap. … I’m going to do literally everything and (upset) everybody off.”

VanZant will certainly draw eyeballs to Power Slap, as she's one of the most followed people in the MMA world. But she's been out of the fighting game for a while, so we'll have to wait and see what kind of "Power Slap" talent she has.

Related: Photos: UFC's Paige Van Zant Poses For SI Swimsuit Issue

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